Monday, August 31, 2009

RJA #2b: Research Topic

It will be a pleasure for me to work on this research for the reason that I find this subject highly interesting, with a broad opening for discussions from a moral/ religious ground, as well as from a scientific perspective. I have chosen the topic of cloning not only because of this but also because I believe it to be a relatively fresh and new subject, extremely relevant to today’s scientific developments, and finally because it is related to my major which is, Biology.

I only have a general idea of what this topic has to offer, like for example, that animals are legally being cloned right now in several different countries for different purposes that include but are not limited to: better animal reproduction, for medicinal purposes, as well as to produce human insulin (from genetically modified animals). I know the basic technique used in order to full fill a successful cloning - which would be to extract an oval egg from a female animal and remove the oval's nucleus, and replace it with the nucleus of a full grown masculine's cell. Then, they stimulate the oval so that it will reproduce its cells and finally become an embryo, which would be placed in a receptor and that is when the clone is "born".(If you consider born, to be a couple of months or less). I also know that human cloning is not legal right now for morality reasons, and that it is a highly controversial topic.

I would guess that so far, I only know approximately a 5% of what is out there to learn about this topic, and I intend to cover as much territory as possible, including the history of the development, the uses, the techniques, the side effects of the clones, the moral view of it all, and the future ideologies.

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