Sunday, December 6, 2009

Eng 1020- RJA #15b: Reflection on What You Learned

I have found that one of the most productive classes that I have taken this semester is English 1020. In this class I have learned how to write on MLA style which is essential for any other writing class. I have also learned the best way in which to present an argument, in order to keep the public addressed interested and focused. I have much more knowledge regarding internet cites, I have learned how to find reliable sources of information, and how to use them correctly. In general, all or some of what I have learned in this class this semester will be applied in all of my next classes, either in one way or another. It might be on doing research for a scientific related class, or writing a MLA style paper for a philosophy class. I am also very happy that I was introduced to the protopage and delicious web cites since they have proven to be extremely useful for tracking information.

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