Sunday, September 27, 2009

Eng 1020- RJA #6c: Protopage

My protopage.

ENG 1020- RJA #6b: Search Strings

“Animal Clon*” +Benefit* OR advantage* OR pro* -human

Clon* +Animal* "+Use* OR Application*" +Res* "-Ethic* OR Moral OR Religi*"

Moral* OR Ethic* OR Religi* "+animal Clon*"

(Ethic* OR Moral*) AND (Animal NEAR Clon*)

Clon* NEAR (Ethic* OR Moral) AND (Consequence* OR Impact* OR Result)

(Animal* OR Beef) NEAR (Clon* OR Manipul*) NOT (human Clon*) AND (Advantage* OR Benefit*)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

ENG 1020- RJA #6a: Periodical Articles

Resource searched: Auraria Library (CQ Researcher)
Search Strategies: Databases A-Z
Keyword used: Cloning
Date of search: 9/24/09
Number of hits: 23
Relevance of Hits: 5

Name of author: Mary H. Cooper
Title of article: Mass Extinction
Title of periodical: CQ Researcher
Volume and issue number: Volume 10, Issue 31
Date: September 15, 2000

Name of author: David Masci
Title of article: The cloning controversy
Title of periodical: CQ Researcher
Volume and issue number: Volume 7, Issue 18
Date: May 9, 1997

Name of author: Marcia Clemmitt
Title of article: Reproductive Ethics
Title of periodical: CQ Researcher
Volume and issue number: Volume 19, Issue 19
Date: May 15, 2009

Name of author: Brian Hansen
Title of article: Cloning Debate
Title of periodical: CQ Researcher
Volume and issue number: Volume 14, Issue 37
Date: October 22, 2004

Friday, September 18, 2009

ENG 1020- RJA #5c: Checking Search Strings

Nick Longwell

ENG 1020- RJA #5b: Finding Books

Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords used: Cloning, Animal Cloning, Bioethics
Search Strategies: I wrote my keyword(s) on the search box, and then on the left side of the page, I chose to narrow/refine my search, for only, English, nonfiction, and book.
Dates of Search: September 18th, 2009.
Number of hits: 8081, 265, and 493 books respectively.
Relevance of hits (on a scale of 1-5): 5

Book #1
- Name of author: Robert Gilmore McKinnell
- Title of the book: Cloning of frogs, mice, and other animals
- Edition number or information: Revised Edition of Cloning: A Biologist Reports (1979)
- Number of volume used: 1
- Place of Publication: 2037 University Avenue Southeast, Minneapolis MN 55414
- Name of publisher: University of Minnesota Press
- Date of publication: 1979, 1985

Book #2

- Editors: Michael Ruse and Aryne Sheppard
- Title of the book: Cloning: Responsible Science or Technomadness
- Number of volume used: 1
- Name of series: Contemporary Issues
- Place of publication: 59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst, New York 14228-2197
- Name of publisher: Prometheus Books
- Date of publication: 2001

Book #3
- Names of authors of the book: G.J.V. Nossal and Ross L. Coppel
- Title of the book: Reshaping Life: Key issues in genetic engineering.
- Edition number or information: 3rd edition
- Place of publication: The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, UK
- Name of publisher: Cambridge University Press
- Date of publication: 2002

Book #4
- Authors of the article: James D. Watson and John Tooze
- Title of the book: The DNA Story. A documentary history of gene cloning
- Edition number or information: 1st edition
- Number of volume used: 1
- Place of publication: San Francisco
- Name of publisher: W.H. Freeman and Company
- Date of publication: 1981

Book #5

- Book Editor: Sylvia Engdahl
- Title of the book: Cloning
- Edition number or information: 1st edition
- Number of volume used: 1
- Name of series: Opposing Viewpoints
- Place of publication: 27500 Drake Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535
- Name of publisher: Thomson Gale
- Date of publication: 2006

Book #6

- Author of the article: Linda Tagliaferro
- Title of the book: Genetic Engineering : Progress or Peril?
- Edition number or information: 1
- Number of volume used: 1
- Name of series: Pro/Con series
- Place of publication: United States
- Name of publisher: Lerner Publications Company
- Date of publication: 1997

Book #7
- Author of the article: Tamara L. Roleff
- Title of the book: Cloning : Opposing viewpoints
- Edition number or information: 1
- Number of volume used: 1
- Name of series: Opposing Viewpoints
- Place of publication: 27500 Drake Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535
- Name of publisher: Greenhaven Press- An imprint of Thomson Gale
- Date of publication: 2006

Thursday, September 17, 2009

ENG 1020- RJA #5a: Finding Reference Articles

Searched at:
Search strategies: Advanced search “AND”
Date of search: September, 17th 2009.
Keyword used; Number of hits; Relevance (1-5 Scale):
a) Animal Cloning; 125,817 hits; 3.
b) Animal Cloning AND Ethics; 3,614 hits; 4.
c) Animal Rights; 566,129 hits; 2
d) Animal Rights AND Cloning; 51,303; 3
e) Animal Cloning AND Advantages; 27,176; 4
Online Reference work:
a)Bioethics: limits to the interference with life
Date: September 17th, 2009
b)Therapeutic cloning- applications for organ transplantation
Date: September 17th, 2009
c)Application of reproductive biotechnology in animals- implications and potentials: Applications of reproductive cloning
Date: September 17th, 2009
d)Cloning:next term New breakthroughs leading to commercial opportunities

I found information regarding the advantages of animal cloning as well as of the ethics of cloning. On the web sites that I have selected, there is some information on the uses of different types of cloning, on future possibilities if we continue the practice, and on Bioethics science.

Monday, September 14, 2009

ENG 1020 RJA #4c: Checking Research Questions


Jonathan Meyer

RJA# 4b: Writing Search Strings

“Animal Clon*” +Benefit* OR advantage* OR pro* -human

Clon* +Animal* "+Use* OR Application*" +Res* "-Ethic* OR Moral OR Religi*"

Moral* OR Ethic* OR Religi* "+animal Clon*"

(Ethic* OR Moral*) AND (Animal NEAR Clon*)

[Clon* NEAR (Ethic* OR Moral) NEAR Animal*] AND (Consequence* OR Impact* OR Result)

(Animal* OR Beef) NEAR (Clon* OR Manipul*) NOT (human Clon*) AND (Advantage* OR Benefit*)

RJA #4a: Generating Keywords

Do the advantages of animal cloning overcome the ethical objectives?




Artificial Reproduction

Are stronger
Worth it



Ladder of generalization:
Cloning, Animal manipulation, Animal Cloning, Cloning of farm animals, experimental cloning, cloning for food, cloning for better reproduction.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

ENG 1020- RJA #3c: Developing Research Question

1- What is the purpose behind cloning?

2- Is cloning right or wrong?
3- Is future society going to consist of pure clones?
4- Is cloning going to save or destroy us?
5- Should we be more careful about what we want?
6- Should we continue the practice of cloning?
7- How can we know that this is not leading us to our end instead?
8- Why don't people have a right to know if they are purchasing food - product of a cloned animal?
9- Don't we already have a problem with overpopulation to spend all this money in creating and saving more people by cloning?
10- Why should we or shouldn't we clone people or animals?
11- Will cloning lead to a better or worse world?

ENG 1020 - RJA #3b: Narrowing Research Topic

After reading chapter 3 of the textbook, I have come to the decision that I need to narrow my research topic which is cloning, for the reason that it expands in a lot of different branches that would take me much more time and space to address each one of them. In order to accomplish this, I will have to choose one of the branches which interest me the most and which also has sufficient but not more information than needed, in order for me to be able to investigate and prove my point in the time and space given.

Friday, September 4, 2009

ENG 1020 RJA #3a: Exploring Research Topic

While doing my research on cloning I found out by researching in different websites bookmarked in my delicious account, that it has been an argumentative topic since the beginning when the first sheep, Dolly, was cloned in Scotland in 1997. Some thought that it was great! A huge advance in science technology; while others thought that it was dreadful news and that it should have never been done because of ethical reasons.
I also learned that even though cloning is one thing, there are still different types of it like: Reproductive cloning, which is the one were an animal is cloned to get the exact same DNA animal clone; Therapeutic cloning, which doesn’t clone an entire animal, but clones some cells which will be used for scientific research for the purpose of using this cells eventually in replacement of organs of the original person who gave its cells to be cloned; and DNA cloning, were they are cloning a gene from a DNA fragment, to study the gene in question.
I learned that attempts of cloning are very expensive and not to efficient. That most of cloned animals live a shorter life, but the exact reason for this is still unknown. However, I also learned from the FDA that cloned food is apparently healthy and doesn’t need any special labeling.