Friday, September 4, 2009

ENG 1020 RJA #3a: Exploring Research Topic

While doing my research on cloning I found out by researching in different websites bookmarked in my delicious account, that it has been an argumentative topic since the beginning when the first sheep, Dolly, was cloned in Scotland in 1997. Some thought that it was great! A huge advance in science technology; while others thought that it was dreadful news and that it should have never been done because of ethical reasons.
I also learned that even though cloning is one thing, there are still different types of it like: Reproductive cloning, which is the one were an animal is cloned to get the exact same DNA animal clone; Therapeutic cloning, which doesn’t clone an entire animal, but clones some cells which will be used for scientific research for the purpose of using this cells eventually in replacement of organs of the original person who gave its cells to be cloned; and DNA cloning, were they are cloning a gene from a DNA fragment, to study the gene in question.
I learned that attempts of cloning are very expensive and not to efficient. That most of cloned animals live a shorter life, but the exact reason for this is still unknown. However, I also learned from the FDA that cloned food is apparently healthy and doesn’t need any special labeling.

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