Sunday, September 6, 2009

ENG 1020- RJA #3c: Developing Research Question

1- What is the purpose behind cloning?

2- Is cloning right or wrong?
3- Is future society going to consist of pure clones?
4- Is cloning going to save or destroy us?
5- Should we be more careful about what we want?
6- Should we continue the practice of cloning?
7- How can we know that this is not leading us to our end instead?
8- Why don't people have a right to know if they are purchasing food - product of a cloned animal?
9- Don't we already have a problem with overpopulation to spend all this money in creating and saving more people by cloning?
10- Why should we or shouldn't we clone people or animals?
11- Will cloning lead to a better or worse world?


  1. I like how you have a variety of questions and i really think you should use your question (Is cloning right or wrong?. I think that this is a good question because its not to broad and the question you did chose is too narrow.

  2. This is a pretty good research question, but it might be slightly too broad. One way you could make it better would be to focus on a specific field that cloned animals are used for. For example, "Is it practically or ethically worth cloning cows for milk and beef production? Are possible negative consequences of cloning these animals worth not using this technology?"

  3. For your research question, I would consider why cloning is important or not important, lawful or unlawful and what will be the outcome of cloning? ANd maybe just stick to one question... Why should we clone people or animals? Or why not?

  4. Cloning is a great topic for a research paper. Tons of material and very controversial but it is pretty broad. What type of cloning are you interested in? Lawful or unlawful would be a good topic?

  5. I like the question Is cloning right or wrong because you can find a lot of information and debates on the issue. Too many people believe that cloning is the worst thing in the world and some think that it is great so you can get a good paper out of that.

  6. I have to start by saying I absolutely love your topic. I honestly wish I would have chosen this topic. Cloning is such a HUGE topic that I personally would go really specific with it so that I wouldn't have to hold back. There are so many areas that you could study, such as medical, philosophical, biblical, and philosophical views. Have fun and good luck!! -Chris
