Monday, November 16, 2009

ENG 1020- RJA #13a: Field Research Report

The person that I have interviewed via email is my father Leandro Fernandez, who is a Veterinarian living in Uruguay, and works in a lab doing mainly research as well as in the field with farm animals, much of which have been either cloned or are the offspring of cloned animals.

In my interview I asked some of the following questions:

2-What benefits are veterinarians seeing as a result of cloning?
3- Are you in favor or against reproductive cloning? Why?
4- Are you in favor or against therapeutic cloning? Why?
5- Is the food coming from cloned animals in the open market?
6- Are there any controversies about that question 4?

He is pro cloning and gave me a list of reasons why reproductive and therapeutic cloning is beneficial, and also gave me some feed backs on the legislation over the subject there.
Since they are full questions, that imply a lot of details, I will be able to use them as an extra input on my research paper.

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