Monday, November 16, 2009

ENG 1020- RJA #13b: Annotated Bibliography, Part 1

1) CAMR, Coalition for the advancement of medical research,, Web, 25 Oct 2009.

This seems like a very reliable source, since they work with more than 100 nationally recognized patient organizations, universities, and scientific societies for the advancement on medical research. I will use information from here for the body of my argument, extracting reasons for which cloning should not be banned, and explaining why.

2) Human Genome Project,, Web, 31 Aug 2009.

The Human Genome project seems like a reliable source of information since they work with several well known organizations. It will provide me with more information on current data for my subject, so I will be using it to make my argument.

3) Watson, James D and John Tooze, The DNA Story: A documentary history of gene, San Francisco, W.H. Freeman and Company, 1928, Print.

I think this book will be a reliable and useful source of information because since the publisher was founded in 1946, and has proven to show dedication on publishing books and textbooks on the science field for students and general public, from authors of outstanding achievement. One of the Authors, James D. Watson is an American molecular biologist and co-recipient of the 1962 Nobel Prize on the discovery of the double-helical structure of DNA. The other author of this book is John Tooze and he is Executive Secretary of the European Biology Organization. Editor of Trends in Biochemical Sciences, and has worked at Harvard University and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund Laboratories in London. I will use this book to obtain general information as well as the history.

4) Hansen, Brian, Cloning Debate, “Should all forms of human cloning be banned?” CQ Researcher, Volume 14, Issue 37, 22 Oct 2004, Web, 24 Sep 2009.

I think that this article is a reliable source of information since it was published by CQ press. The article brings a debate on the morals of cloning which I think will help me for the counterarguments.

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