Monday, October 26, 2009

ENG 1020- RJA #10a: Thesis Statement

Research Question:
Should the practice of cloning be banned?

Precise claim:
Cloning should not be banned.

1- Cloning may hold the key to the discovery of the nature of fatal diseases, cure them, prevent them, and extinguish them.
2- Cloning is beneficial for animal production, and for preventing animal species from extinction.

Complete thesis statement:
The practice of cloning should not be banned because it may hold the key to the discovery of the nature of fatal diseases, cure them, prevent them, and extinguish them; as well as benefiting animal production, and preventing animal species from extinction, therefore doing key work for the conservation of ourselves and of our planet.


  1. great thesis statement! Instead of saying should not say "it's not" it will make it stronger!

  2. Very strong thesis statement good job.

  3. very well organized and structured. The complete thesis statement, I think, covered all the bases a thesis statement should cover. well done!
