Monday, October 26, 2009

ENG 1020- RJA #10b: Argument

For decades human beings have being trying to solve the puzzle of several different fatal diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, HIV,….etc. with no luck whatsoever, until now. With the new science of cloning, scientists are being able to work with cloned stem cells from the original diseased cell of a patient with a particular disease, and therefore able to analyze different aspects of it, as well as test new and old drugs and compare results. Scientists have high hopes that in the process of analyzing the different aspects of the cloned diseased stem cell will lye the answer to the cause of the disease, and with it, will bring the cure, and elimination of it once and for all.
As well as being of extreme usefulness for the case of studying the origins of the disease, some stem cells have proven to be able to form into any different type of cell from the human body, and so scientist have been able to make exact same DNA tissues for a patient, out of one of his cell’s nucleus and therefore avoid tissue rejection when in need of the replacement of damaged tissue. Scientists believe that by practicing this new technology we may also be able to create an entire organ, for heart or any other organ transplantation.
Research in stem cells could also help prevent heart risks, as well as other risks provoked by drugs that have been tested through animal experimentation alone, and have proved to have serious second effects. In order to avoid this, human embryonic stem cells can be used to make human organs, which can consequently be used in the testing of new and current drugs in order to prevent the unwanted side effects in patients.
Since the first sheep Dolly was cloned in 1996, animal cloning has offered great benefits to consumers, farmers, and endangered species. Farmers select their best animals, and clone them in order to maintain the good DNA and therefore assure a high quality of meats, cheeses, and milk, as well insuring that the animal will have a good immune system, and therefore reduce medical needs.
Cloning has also been proven beneficial in the act of trying to save endangered species.

On the other hand, the opposition of cloning, think that embryonic stem cell cloning is unethical, because of beliefs that life starts at contraception, and since the stem cells grow in the embryo until there are approximately 20 cells, and then the embryo is destructed to access the cells, they state that that could be considered murder. They consider themselves pro-life, and think that scientists are “playing god”, and that humans need to find cures but not on behalf of an unborn child.

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