Saturday, October 31, 2009

ENG 1020- RJA #11a: Introduction

Imagine if nobody would want a laptop because they were stuck with the idea that typing machines were better, or that using Morse code was easier than sending e-mails. In general people are eager and enthusiastic about accepting knew scientific inventions; but only those, that don’t affect there ideologies.
When Copernicus discovered that the Earth wasn’t the center of the universe, the ideology of the time, mainly based on religious beliefs wasn’t ready to accept it, not half as eager as they would a new cell phone. It wasn’t until a century later with Galileo, that people started to ease down, and accept the true facts that science was proving; and it wasn’t only until they accepted the scientific revelation as true, that they were able to apply it to there advantages.
The scientific revelation of cloning could be right at the same level as Copernicus’ Solar System was in the 16th century. It is a new science, that as well as bringing high hopes for the revelation of diseases, it brings with it a smooth dilemma to ideologies.
As of today, people in general are not eager to accept this new science, but the denial will only delay the discoveries to be made, the people to be cured, and the remediable suffering. This is why cloning should not be banned, and people should realize that they are only slowing down the unstoppable, only because of lack of oil in the engine of their ideologies.


  1. Wow, I think your intro is really good. It really caught my attention. Good job.

  2. Great intro, I like how detailed it is.

  3. Wow!! Very good introduction! It caught my attention right away! Good Job!

  4. Great Intro! Very detailed and intriguing! Good job.
