Saturday, October 3, 2009

ENG 1020- RJA #7a: Internet Research Tools

When I want to research something on the internet, what I usually do as a start point is to type the main topic of research or question on the browser, since it’s the first thing that appears on the page. Once I do that, then I get different web pages concerning my question or topic and browse through those. What I like about doing this is that I don’t narrow my options to only one search engine, but on the other hand sometimes you can get information that is irrelevant, or sales associated.
Though now, I find myself after doing that mainly as a tick, using,,,, and the Auroria library.

I have found that the latter ones are much more accurate that just browsing on the web bar. As far as Wikipedia is concerned, that is where I used to go generally when I wanted some information about something that was scholar, though since this semester I have learned that the information can be non accurate I won’t be taking extremely seriously what I read there. When it comes to and/or, these are the main engines in which I search for general information. I use mainly for when I want to check the weather Forecast since I can view it on degree Celsius, or for the news.
I have found extremely helpful on finding scholar related information, and really like the fact that I can trust the source.

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